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Nimble is a small, active, flexible (see nimble), Project Management and Interior Design firm primarily focusing on Corporate, Hospitality, and Commercial projects throughout Canada and the United States.
We provide support for one-off projects but much of our work comes from large, multi-site companies throughout North America on a project by project basis. These firms typically reach out when they require a presence or a resource in a particular area to accommodate their rapid growth needs.
Our team building has allowed us to overcome common project challenges like short time lines and small budgets. We insist on a collaborative approach so that everyone is engaged in the outcome and is accountable for the Project as a whole, not just for their portion. This collaborative approach, applies to all involved, and we consider Clients, Vendors, Suppliers, and Trades as part of the Team.
We have spent many years building trust within our community and are respected for our work and our work ethic. We offer a great degree of knowledge, experience, and professionalism and aim to provide impeccable customer service to everything that we do. We think we are easy to work with and are here to make the whole process easier, all with a unique sense of humour.
Founded by Katherine Schjøtt, an Interior Designer and Project Manager, Nimble came to be after she realized that in order for Interior Design projects to be more successful they needed a more Project Management based solution with a focus on results and implementation. Designers could no longer just “design” and leave the rest of the project to the client or even the Contractor. She felt designers needed to be able to provide oversight and assistance on all aspects, whether it was real estate selection, pre-planning, funding approvals, or assistance with moves and decommissioning.
Based on this realization, we introduced these services and over the years we have gained valuable experience and great reputation working with distinctive companies throughout North America. We have noticed that in the last few years other design based firms have now begun focusing on selling Project Management as part of their services. We are proud to have been one of the first firms to implement this approach and to have on our team one of the very first people in Ontario to be certified in both interior design and project management.
As our company name suggests, we aim to be “Nimble” when working on any project. We also believe every project, large or small, is important and should always be approached with understanding and a sense of urgency, to keep it progressing and running smoothly.
Talking and working closely to discover more about the finer points of your project is important so that we can clearly define your goals for the space, before we move into planning, managing, and designing. Great communication, lots of effort, and consistent attention to the small details allows us to build lasting relationships with incredible companies. We acknowledge and mould your ideas into practical, creative solutions, and our customer service approach and experience, allows us to take a project from initiation to final closeout smoothly and effectively.
The final part of this puzzle is that we LOVE what we DO. To us, every part of a project is exciting…the paper work, scheduling, and especially the onsite supervision. Our entire team is committed and enthusiastic about every project we take on and we care deeply about our reputation. We want you to be comfortable when choosing us and ultimately happy at the end of your project!
We are fairly new to media but we are chuffed with what we have so far. Hopefully there is more to come.

“A nice place to spend the night--quiet,clean, and comfortable. Luv the new renos!”
Reviewed 21 March 2015
Review on Trip Advisor
“Fancy Schmancy- In a Comfortable Way”
Reviewed 29 December 2014
Review on Trip Advisor
“Excellent dining - food, service, atmosphere”
Reviewed 16 December 2014
Review on Trip Advisor
“I have worked with nimble project management in various capacities for the past 5 years and I have always had successful project deliveries. Very professional, listens to client needs and and forces on client satisfaction. I would recommend their services with no hesitation.”
Reviewed February 6 2016
Review on Houzz
“Love the new look”
Reviewed 25 November 2014
Review on Yelp
“Great food, very nice atmosphere”
Reviewed 25 November 2014
Review on Trip Advisor
[ n ĭ m΄ b' l ]
1 : quick and light in motion, deft: AGILE
2 a : marked by quick, alert, clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness, acute in devising or understanding
“Projects are run with experience, planning, thinking, and precision. Magical ingredients and chance are not involved.”
Phone: 123-456-7890
Email: info@mysite.com